
I'm Kai, or "TGK / TeeGKayy" on a lot of internet circles, and I do a lot of things.

If you've found my website from anywhere, whether it's from my channel, Twitter,
where ever, then hello! All the stuff you see are portfolio works from many different places. I'm really fascinated by creativity after all ^^

I'm an NDV creator with one too many fixations to count. But if you're wondering what they are/were...

* Dota 2
* Tetris/TETR.IO
* Fighting Game/FGC-related Content
* Melee (or Slippi for the online freaks)
* Team Fortress 2
* Doom (1993)
* Quake
* Alpha/Beta Minecraft (Alpha 1.2.6 to Beta 1.7.3)

...I think thats it, but all those might change every now and then.


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